I’m already in my pregnancy nesting phase. It’s a bad timing to be in because we just lost our household help and I can’t barely move. It’s actually taking me a LOT of energy to just do the laundry (with a washing machine!!!). But I’m a planner. Before our help left I was slowly readying our home for Siris. I had all of Light’s old baby/newborn clothes washed. I had the stroller and the best ever purchase–the rocker, cleaned.
Seeing all of Light’s baby stuff brought back sweet memories. It also made me kinda dread doing it all over again. I’m excited and I sometimes even miss taking care of a baby. But when I look at my first child and realize how big she is now, I feel glad that we’re done with those milestones already.
I can feel that Siris will be very different from his sister. I just hope he doesn’t give me that much of a hard time. 🙂 I feel like with his sister, I had it easy. I might not be equipped enough to handle an energetic newborn haha!
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