On my birthday, my husband and a couple of my closest friends treated me to some RnR. It was a very much needed rest. Moving around has been very difficult as I near my due date, and since our household help left a month ago, I have been doing a lot of house chores, going up and down the stairs, and taking care of Light. It was exhausting but for some strange reason, I have a renewed energy for doing them. I guess it’s part of the nesting phase.
Hubby has been very helpful, though. I feel guilty not being able to do as much that he had to take a lot of time off from work. But I’m so thankful for him. I’m glad that we are a team. Even before with my first pregnancy, he had been very considerate and thoughtful. It’s really a major key to having a wonderful pregnancy experience.

Daddy’s one on one with Big Sis Light
My RnR birthday present came with a maternity shoot session care of my beautiful friends. It was a lot of fun! My gals are up for anything!
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